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ReqFlow is a lightweight and flexible Python package designed to simplify API testing. Providing an intuitive, fluent interface for crafting and validating HTTP API functionality.


Install ReqFlow using pip:

pip install reqflow


  • Fluent API: ReqFlow's syntax is designed to be readable and expressive, making your tests easy to write and understand.
  • Embedded Response Assertions: Assert of status codes, response bodies, headers, etc.
  • PyDantic Integration: Validate reponse bodies agains PyDantic models for robust and flexible data validation.
  • Extensible and Modular: ReqFlow is built to be flexible. Extend or customize it to fit your testing needs, whether you're working with RESTful APIs, JSON, XML, or other data formats.


To get started with the fundamentals of ReqFlow, check out the Quick Start page.

For detailed information on each function and feature, check out the API Reference.